The Sunday morning live stream starts at 10:45am with pre-service ads. The service begins at 11:00am. You may also start watching later and rewind to the beginning of the service.
If you watched the livestream
and prayed the prayer of salvation or rededicated your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, we want to hear from you! Send us your information as we want to follow up with you.
If you don’t have a good church home, you can! We would love
for you to make us your church home. We will reach out to you and welcome you as a member to the best Bible believing, Bible teaching church.
Let us pray for you; and please pray for children and families around the world. Use the form to write your prayer or submit your request.
At Calvary Baptist Church, our mission is to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples. Get connected with us and learn about our community!